A bomb-shell study from Pew Research predicts that Christianity will no longer be the majority religion as early as 2045, or as late as 2070. Either date should cause us to grieve. Here are five reasons why:
- Fewer people will have the joy of knowing Jesus.
- More people will be driving on an ACDC highway.
- The moral rot in America will only grow more rotten.
- Political leaders won’t reflect your values.
- Our kids are going to inherit a massive mess.
What happened? How did a religion with 350,000 churches, lose it’s grip on American civilization? I would like to offer ONE really big reason: The Seeker Sensitive Movement. The Seeker tsunami has produced almost nothing but rotten fruit and oceans full of false converts.
The minute Evangelicals decided to do church for goats and not the sheep, worship quickly devolved into watered down theology, topical sermons (if you can even call them sermons), and banal worship music. However, in an ironic turn of events, the Seeker Sensitive Movement TOTALLY misread our culture (not to mention abandoned the directives of Scripture). Let me show you what I mean.
- Poll after poll reveals that people are weary from triteness. Trite is precisely what seeker sensitive churches specialize in.
- Humans have never felt so isolated and alone, due in large part to social media. What does the Seeker Sensitive Movement offer these isolated souls? On-line church. The very thing that is the source of so much loneliness is the very thing on-line church offers, at the expense of actual fellowship IN church.
- Our culture is awash in entertainment. Amusement is the main dish that Seeker Sensitive churches serve; and not very well, frankly.
- If Gen Z has one common denominator, they want their lives to count; they want to do something important. We feed them pizza.
- Jordan Peterson proves that young men want strong men in their lives. Feminism persuaded Seeker Sensitive Churches to detoxify the church of “toxic masculinity.”
Because politics and morality flow downstream from religion, you can expect things to devolve even more as the headwaters of Christianity dry up. Politicians, celebrities, and educators cannot fix our social and political ills. They are neither the cause of our problems, nor the source of our solutions. Jesus is.
Yep, you should vote, work in politics, or send money to a politician, if you choose. But if we want to make America truly great again, a red wave will not accomplish that goal. There is only one thing that can save a nation from a terrible, noisy crash: the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
There is no easier way to start sharing the Gospel than during Halloween. The little urchins actually come to you and beg you to give them a trick or a treat. It’s a piece of cake to give a kid a sugary substance and a Gospel tract. They will even say, “Thank you.” Well, some of them will.
What do you say? Want to make America great again? Let’s give away the Gospel this Halloween.