A light bulb didn’t go on for Robyn; a bolt of lightening struck her as she realized her love of alcohol and drugs was a worship disorder. Let me explain, and perhaps provide you with a practical tool to overcome the sin in your life.
Robyn, a suburban wife and mother, would put her kids on the bus in the morning and then run to her bong to get high the rest of the day. Freely admitting her besetting sin had ruined many relationships, she entered the Transformed studio for a Biblical Counseling session with Dr. Greg Gifford of Master’s University. That is when the truth of God’s Word exploded into her mind and heart as she realized her love of mind-altering substances was an act of idolatry.
Even though Robyn had read and prayed through Psalm 61, Dr. Gifford helped her understand these verses in a way that caused her to utter a common Biblical Counseling question, “How could I have missed that?”
Once Robyn realized she was choosing Jim Beam over Jesus to be her rock and refuge, her life made a dramatic U-turn. Yours will too.
Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
For You have been a refuge for me,
A tower of strength against the enemy.
Psalm 61:1-3
Here’s what that verse looks like in reality as you actually apply it to your sin struggle.
Example One:
You, like Robyn, feel the heavy weight of life and you long for comfort, release, or escape. Two voices call out to you.
Jesus entreats you, “I am your refuge, comforter, and strong tower. Run to Me.”
Jack Daniels shouts, “Just take one drink to cut the edge. I’ll make you feel good.”
To whom you choose to go will reveal what you are worshipping. If you pick Jack to be your strong tower, you have made a bottle of bourbon your effective deity.
Example Two:
Your day at work was a beating. Your wife and kids are at the park and you find yourself alone in a quiet house. Out of nowhere, Porn whispers, “You have had such a hard day. You deserve a little relief from stress. Fire up your computer and let’s spend some time together.”
If you listen to the voice of porn petition you to partake in filth, then you are worshipping dirty pixels as you obey porn’s pleadings. If you deny yourself, pick up your cross and follow Jesus, then you are worshipping your Savior.
Example Three:
Your kids are having a banner day. Usually they are naughty, but today they have taken disobedience to a whole ‘nutha level. You hear a chorus of voices vying for your obedience.
One voice says, “My name is Peace and Quiet. If you want me, then leave those brats and that lousy husband.”
Another voice beckons, “I’m an Amish romance novel. Come escape with me.”
And still a third hearkens, “Find your comfort in ME. My name is Cheesecake.”
If you choose to obey one of those voices, then that has become your god. You are running to something besides your Strong Tower to find peace. In other words, you chose to worship an idol and not Jesus.
The next time you battle temptation, ask yourself these simple questions:
- To whom will I give my worship and obedience, this thing, or my Savior?
- Who do I love more, this idol or Jesus?
- Who always fulfills His promises to comfort, encourage, heal, help, defend, protect, and deliver; Jesus or this idol?
Then turn your back to your temptation and tell your Redeemer, “You have purchased me, and I love you more than this sin. Please accept my obedience as an act of worship to You.”