Beyond the shadow of a doubt, there are unidentified flying objects. The photos are irrefutable, there are objects that appear to be hovering in the air that we can’t identify. To those who would say there are UFOs, I wholeheartedly agree; here’s why.
UFOs are precisely that: UNIDENTIFIABLE OBJECTS.
Indiscernible objects should not lead us to conclude we are being visited by highly intelligent beings who just aren’t as stealth as Liam Neeson. That would be a conclusion overruled by any uncorrupt judge (if you can find one). Besides, we have repeatedly seen there is usually a natural explanation for the unidentified objects we see in pictures (drones, sun flares, military jets, balloons, photoshop, etc.).
Here are my theories to explain why the world (and our government) seems determined to prove life exists on other planets:
- We have consumed too many sci-fi movies that have created an overactive public imagination.
- In an odd way, it is a futile search for something transcendent. “There has to be more to life than this.”
- By studying the evolution of Mars, we will understand the evolution of Earth.
- If life began on Mars and died out, that will offer clues to how Earth will die out.
- Life on Mars proves molecule-to-man evolution, and thus, disproves the existence of God.
Have you noticed NASA’s mad-dash efforts to find life on Mars? Scientists would be satisfied with a mere drop of water. That raises a question: why do so many brilliant people dedicate their lives to such a fantastic endeavor? I think the answer is plain: if there is life elsewhere, even the possible conditions for life, that is sufficient proof of evolution. If Charles Darwin was right, they would possess the “scientific proof” that eliminates the need for a creator God.
What I’m trying to say is, UFOs and alien life are worldview issues. And these issues are foisted on your Christian kids at school and on the internet. That is precisely why we dedicated an episode about this subject in Season 3 of Road Trip to Truth. You can watch it here:
Interested? Here is the table of contents of Road Trip to Truth Season 3.
- “Take Me to Your Leader” – Aliens and the Bible
- Your Brain on Technology – The dangers of social media
- Bumper Sticker Philosophy – World ideologies
- What Does It Mean to Be a Woman? – Femininity
- Making Sense of ‘Making Love’ – The real meaning of sex
- What Does It Mean to Be a Man? – Masculinity
- Why Should We Trust the Bible? – Objections to the Bible
- And Justice for All – Justice
- Capitalism vs. Socialism – Government and religion
- The Old and Objectionable Testament – Objections to the O.T.
- The Greatest Community on Earth – The importance of the church
- The True Meaning of Christmas – Christmas
- The Importance of Interpretation – Hermeneutics
It is our hope that you, your family, and your church youth group will be strengthened in your faith, and equipped to defend the verities of the Christian faith.