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“Where am I?” That is the question of the day.

Wretched Radio | Air Date: July 28, 2022

Segment 1

“Where am I?” That is the question of the day.

God is orchestrating all things for your good and His glory, including the collapse of a culture.

The world has shifted underneath our feet. We shouldn’t shocked that things are changing and are disappointing.

We are aliens living in a foreign land. This is temporary. We should feel different here.

Covert acts of racism have been happening in grocery stores and restaurants.

Segment 2

The world has shifted, but we can take advantage of our culture collapse.

The kingdom where we presently reside is ruled by Satan, but he’s God’s devil allowed to roam at God’s will.

Reasons why grocery stores are racist:

  • Grocery chains choose locations based on income and education levels.
  • They put signage over Asian food or Italian food and that’s racist.
  • If you prefer the food you grew up eating, that’s racist.
  • When two foods are fused together, that’s racist.

Segment 3

Do you like to use creamer in your coffee? That’s racist.

We are starting to understand what deconstruction is.

The term that’s being used more and more: decolonization.

Open borders? Where is that going? Nations are God’s creation.

Food bias is linked to implicit bias.

This is a clear example of minds that have not been regenerated (1 Corinthians 1, 2, and 3).

Segment 4

Educators are concocting new ways to “educate” our kids.

New York Times – The Movement to End Homework is Wrong

To help combat the “myth of meritocracy” the suggestion to end homework is being pushed.

Meritocracy is being deconstructed.

Teachers should interpret differences in a student’s homework production through a socio-economic lens.

This is cultural Marxism.

For the Christian, this is nonsensical talk. God does indeed reward certain behaviors.


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