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It’s Mailbag Friday! “How can I define boundaries between myself, my wife, children and my narcissistic mother while still honoring her?”

Wretched Radio | Air Date: August 05, 2022

It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.

If you have questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].

Segment 1

How can I define boundaries between myself, my wife, children and my narcissistic mother while still honoring her? -Kevin

I’d like to be a missionary one day but I hear other talk about how they were called by God to be one. How do I know if I’m actually being called or if I just think I’m being called? -Mercy

What’s our biblical response to shopping at corporations that support abortion and other unbiblical practices? -Ruben

How can I approach the insulting dress of men and women at my church? -Butch

Segment 2

Why is that some pastors don’t bring bibles to the pulpit? -Rob

Recently crossed paths with a local evangelist who approached with a very mystical sounding question. How could I engage him? -Sam

 Segment 3

Beep Talk

If God cannot look upon sin, why was He able to look at Adam and Even in the Garden after their sin?

What’s your take on stay-at-home dads?

How can I tell when it’s appropriate to share the Gospel while on the job?

How should a new believer interact with the unbelieving world?

Segment 4


What part of thou shalt not do you not understand?

You think it’s hot now, keep sinning.

It’s hot, Son Shine = Sin Burn

Lettuce Pray..

Jesus brings the blessed out in me.

Is your Savior able?

This church has prayer conditioning.

We love hurting people.

YOLO, JK, BRB. This is a quote from Jesus.


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