False Liberal Accusations | WRETCHED TV Episode 3147
It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.
If you have questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].
It is ok to smush all four of the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ death and resurrection and read it as one single account? -Crystal
Should the church screen converts with questions before baptism beyond what Phillip asked the eunuch. -Dave
What are your views on Christians who claim to be preppers? How would you go about meaningful conversation with such a person? -Peter
Why should we pray when God has sovereignly decreed everything? -William
Any wisdom for an 18-year-old seeking to remain Godly as he pursues dating in a Godless society. -Alex
Is it bad for a Christian woman to want to do yoga?” -Anonymous
What do we say when someone someone says “pro-lifers only care about babies inside the womb?” -Andrew
Is a woman leading a mixed sex Bible study a violation of 1 Tim 2? -Daniel
As a believer, how can we correctly interpret the concept of God being immutable, but have a verse like Genesis 6:6? -David
Thanks for watching!
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