Union Strikes? | Wretched TV Episode 3197
It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.
If you have questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].
How can we combat negativity in the world today? Zackary
I’m a very bad over-thinker and always over analyze every single encounter I have with someone. Do you have any advice? -Scott
Is there a good way to show an older brother that LDS is a road to Hell or do I write him off? -Russ
How do I go about obeying God in my marriage when my unsaved husband is talking to other women and admitted not loving me the same anymore because of my religion? -Rebekah
What is your opinion on Christian comedy? -Michelle
Do you have an input on the Biblical approach to union strikes? -Kathryn
Which translation of the MacArthur Study Bible do you recommend? -Jason
Thanks for watching!
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