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Wretched Radio | Air Date: May 04, 2023
Segment 1
Today we discuss the two commandments for parents in the Bible and the importance of adult children honoring their parents with respect.
We also explore how the church is countering the phenomenon of adult children speaking down to their parents.
Segment 2
Three commandments to parents and kids – and the increasing divide between parents and adult children.
We discuss six ways to honor your parents as an adult child, including forgiving them, seeking their wisdom, and supporting them.
Segment 3
Honoring your parents, even into adulthood, can be powerful and even make your household blissful.
We delve into six more ways to honor your parents, such as not shunning unsolicited advice and letting them instruct your kids.
Segment 4
Taking a trip back in time, we examine worship in the first and second century churches.
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