It’s Mailbag Friday! How can I get baptized when I don’t have a church or a pastor yet?
Wretched Radio | Air Date: June 09, 2023
It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.
If you have any questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].
Segment 1
I saw your video on baptism recently and I want to get baptized, as I came to faith in Christ around last summer, but I’m struggling. I haven’t found a church home yet, and it doesn’t help that my parent isn’t a believer either. How can I get baptized when I don’t have a church or a pastor yet, and what are the boundaries of being a Christian under the authority of unbelieving family? -Shelby
Segment 2
How can I open up about my struggles at home with my family to close friends? I live in a home with a lot of yelling and gossip, and I also don’t want to cross the line into gossiping or slandering my family members? -Anonymous
Is there any truth in the statement that God congratulates us on our accomplishments? I recently heard that uttered at a Catholic school graduation ceremony of a friend and I’ve been thinking on it since. -Denisha
Is raising girls to be “strong” against or supported by biblical principals for parenting? -Anonymous
Segment 3
Where or what is the balance between thankfulness for everything God has done through grace and mercy AND self-deprecating, beating myself up, feeling like I don’t deserve anything nice? -Andrew
How do I address theological differences with my wife, in a loving manner that upholds unity in our marriage and respects our shared faith? – Clive
Should we prioritize obedience to pastors over other authorities, such as parents, spouses, or magistrates? – Marie
Segment 4
Beep Talk
What does the Bible say about setting boundaries?
What about fornication that produces a child?
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