It’s Mailbag Friday! “Is it wrong for a person desire for salvation to be motivated by a fear of Hell?”
Wretched Radio | Air Date: July 07, 2023
It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.
If you have any questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].
Segment 1
Is it wrong for a person desire for salvation to be motivated by a fear of Hell? -Many
Segment 2
What does it mean by being loud in praise? -Anonymous
What’s the difference between a heretic, a false teacher and a pastor who just happens to get something wrong? -Ellen
Struggled with blasphemous thoughts after a miscarriage. Any words of wisdom? -Anonymous
Segment 3
Am I living in unrepentant sin for having panic attacks? -Zach
How does the current Jewish church approach the issue of obtaining forgiveness? -Megan
How do we know which OT laws are fulfilled in Christ? -Jasmine
Segment 4
Is there anything in the Bible to refute those who proclaim they’ve been taken to heaven? -Marilyn
Would a woman be usurping her husband’s authority if she has more zeal for ministry than he does? -Anonymous
Can a true believer be demonically oppressed? -Anonymous
What’s the explanation of God killing whole families? -Roger
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