Remember kids, stay in drugs, don’t do school.
Wretched Radio | Air Date: August 24, 2023
Segment 1
Can Todd turn this into Christian radio?
Everything emanates from God.
Everything that we experience that is good comes from God.
Segment 2
It appears there’s a lot of fear going around.
Many young people are fearful of climate warming global change ozone obliteration.
How can we help these people?
God is the One who decides when the world will come to an end.
Fear of death or fear of the future should cause the Christians to share the gospel, not ridicule.
Segment 3
Can people be simultaneously brilliant and unwise?
Children can identify as minotaurs?
People we call doctors would have been committed 20 years ago.
Five fatal flaws in transgender ideology.
Segment 4
Iran forces women defying hijab laws attend psychiatric treatment.
Ann Coulter warns republicans that they should change abortion position.
Don’t be shocked when life, LGBT and marriage issues aren’t very important to republicans any more.
Age restrictions on pornography websites are working.
New AI app lets users ask Jesus questions.
Body liquidifications are up.
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