It’s Mailbag Friday! Help me choose between these two churches!
Wretched Radio | Air Date: September 15, 2023
It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.
If you have any questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].
Segment 1
You’ve talked about Christians avoiding same-sex weddings to not affirm the relationship. Should the same principle apply for attending the weddings of heterosexual couples who’ve openly engaged in premarital sex? -Michael
When you’re on campus, I was thinking when you ask them ” how many lies” ” How many things have you stolen?” would it be better to ask just simply ” Have you ever told a lie”?”Have you ever stolen anything?” keeping them focused…with a yes or no question…. -John
Recently got promoted to head the campus ministry at a college. The previous leader wasn’t too involved, so it’s a clean slate situation. Right now, we have a weekly Thursday gathering that’s similar to a church service, plus some Bible studies throughout the week. I’m feeling overwhelmed and wondering if this is sufficient. Any advice on how to effectively run a college ministry? -Daniel
Segment 2
My wife and I are several thousand dollars in debt. We could pay it off in 4-6 months instead of 12-15 by pausing our tithing, but this idea feels almost sinful. How can we approach the issue of debt and tithing in a biblical way? -Joel
What’s your take on church dress codes? Some folks say dresses and collared shirts are a must, while others think sweatpants are okay. For me, being there to hear the Word matters more than what you wear. What’s your perspective? -Ann
Segment 3
For more than 10 years my wife and I have attended a non-denominational church. It was a tough and really cult like experience. We are now at a healthier church and working on recovering from our experiences. Are there any resources we could tap into to promote healing and support our integration into our new church? Thank you sir and God bless. -Richard
I’m in my mid-twenties and deciding between two churches in my new town. One is very welcoming but lacks people my age; the other has more people my age but feels less inviting. How important is age demographic in choosing a church, especially if the first seems more Christ-like? -Chance
Is it biblical for women to pursue men romantically? A friend argued that it isn’t God’s design for women. But from my perspective, I think mutual pursuit is important in a relationship. I may initiate, but if she’s not responsive, it feels pointless. Any scriptural insights on this? -George
Segment 4
As a single man who has an overwhelming desire for marriage, how can I be content with being lonely and single? And a better question would be, how can I believe that God is enough? -Sam
How do you think it is best to make sure one doesn’t fall into the sin of lust while dating and engaged? -Anonymous
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