These are the 14 signs that you might be legalistic.
Wretched Radio | Air Date: October 10, 2023
Segment 1
Are you a legalist?
14 Signs You Might Be Legalistic by Pat Nemmer
Segment 2
The Satanic Church – Satanists are condemning their leader for not putting transgenderism on the top of the values list.
Texas Christian University rated as the #2 party school in the country.
Chat GPT Service?
What is the business of the church?
Segment 3
Is the Pope Catholic?
He is now open to blessings for same sex couples.
Denny Burk is encouraging churches to include the biblical definition of marriage and gender in their faith statement.
Is sex assigned at birth?
Tim Challies recently did a review of the movie Cessationist.
Segment 4
There’s a conference coming up in Kingsport – Deeply Rooted Conference.
If you stare at yourself constantly, you’re going to lack assurance.
DeBunked – Lucy, the missing link.
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