Have you heard the good news? Rep. Mike Johnson, a born-again believer, was elected as our new House Speaker.
Wretched Radio | Air Date: October 26, 2023
Segment 1
Rep. Mike Johnson from Louisiana is the new House Speaker.
He is pro-life, a professing Christian, and part of a “covenant marriage.”
What is a “covenant marriage?”
Segment 2
Have you heard the good news? Rep. Mike Johnson, a born-again believer, was elected as our new House Speaker.
Credit card rates are at an all-time high and mortgage interest rates are the highest they’ve been since 2001.
Seven Core Principles of American Conservatism
The Canadian Armed Forces have banned public prayer because it isn’t inclusive.
Segment 3
When was the last time you prayed for the leaders in your church?
10 Ways Satan Attacks Church Leaders
Segment 4
Youth Pastors also need prayer.
From Religion News – Teen Mental Health Crisis Turns Youth Pastors into First Responders
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