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It’s Mailbag Friday! You said kids are ghosting their parents, but I feel like parents are ghosting their kids. 

Wretched Radio | Air Date: December 01, 2023

It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.

If you have any questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].

Segment 1

Should men who strive to be biblical, and physically able, learn some form of basic self-defense? -Fong Lee

You said kids ghost their parents. I feel parents are ghosting the kids, by not having daily family meals together, not going to school events and not talking to each other. -Andrew 

I have a family member who will only partake in the Lord’s Table if the bread being used is unleavened bread. While I agree that unleavened bread is certainly a more accurate representation of Christ’s sinless body, I see no command in Scripture for Christians to use unleavened bread during this ordinance. -Jason

Segment 2

I have heard you say, “We are told in the Bible that we are to live a gospel centered life.” What does that mean? -Don

Why is Handel’s Messiah the most beautiful song ever written, and why are you a heretic, if you disagree? -Arie

Segment 3

Hymns and Oscar Navarro.

Segment 4

I was recently told that I shouldn’t use innocent/guilt/law language when witnessing to people from honor/shame cultures. Is there any wisdom in this? While it makes sense to me that shame may be a bigger deal than guilt in some cultures, I also know that all people have a God given conscience and therefore have the capacity to understand they have broken God’s laws and are guilty, regardless of cultural context. -Jessi

I help with a Bible study for 4th grade boys and recently we went through the 10 commandments and they replaced “you shall not commit adultery” with “respect others.” I understand that the lesson is trying to be age appropriate, but it doesn’t seem right to me to skip over the 7th commandment, especially with how much people break it these days. I was wondering how should we teach little kids about the 7th commandment “you shall not commit adultery.”? -Jacob

I’m interested in studying the history of the early church and the Protestant Reformation in more depth. Are there any reliable resources that you would recommend? -Andrew

I have a question regarding a recent episode where you said that young men who aren’t married yet should start acting like husbands and dads. What is involved in that? I fall into the age group you mentioned, and I want to know how this would apply to me. -Johnathan


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