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It’s Mailbag Friday! Can we discuss the Biblical perspective on aging gracefully for women?

Wretched Radio | Air Date: January 12, 2024

It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.

If you have any questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].

Segment 1

I know that fear of man is a sin in my life. I have heard the main way to combat this sin is the fear of the Lord. How do I practically grow in the fear of the Lord? -Alexandra

I am a small group leader in my church youth group. I am worried that my students are not reading their Bible and coming up with excuses to get out of it. I understand that as a teenager, I was busy. How can I motivate my students to read their Bible? -Anonymous

Segment 2

What would you say is the main reason God can’t just “forgive” angels even IF they wanted to repent? -Hunter

Can we discuss the Biblical perspective on aging gracefully for women, especially in light of the new trend where older female celebrities like Martha Stewart and even Dolly Parton are being celebrated for showcasing their bodies? -Charis

Segment 3

I want to follow Jesus but I don’t understand God’s design for marriage. Why did God give men all the power over women in marriage? The Bible says we’re all one in Christ. So why is submission necessary anymore? -Elle

You briefly mentioned that in a Christian marriage, the husband should act like Jesus and his wife should act like the Church. Could you elaborate on what it looks like for a wife to act like the Church? -Anonymous

Segment 4

In light of sola fide, is it correct to say that repentance is necessary for salvation but is not the cause of our salvation? -Nicholas

Can you point to something in the Bible that supports using Gospel Tracts (leaving them for people to find/handing them out)? I use tracts regularly as conversation starters, but many people at my church are turned off by the idea of using tracts. They find them offensive, ineffective, and out dated. -Jessi

-Recently you talked about how millennials dread becoming mothers. I am a mother of a three year old and a one year old and I don’t enjoy it most of the time. I sympathize with those who don’t want kids because being a mother feels like a never ending, difficult burden. My question is how do I actually start to enjoy my children instead of regret them? -Anonymous


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