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It’s Mailbag Friday! Let’s invade the world with Purple!

Wretched Radio | Air Date: March 01, 2024

It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.

If you have any questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].

Segment 1

At my workplace, as in many other workplaces, there are people who curse and worse yet, take the Lord’s name in vain. When they do it really bothers me, but I’m not sure what to do? How should I react to that? -Jacquelin

How should married Christians handle work meetings with the opposite sex? Especially lunch meetings that are one on one specifically. It seems no one is bothered by these meetings but my husband and I are. But we feel stuck since it’s sort of what’s typical and expected in this line of work. -Barbara

Segment 2

I am engaged to a Christian man. In my job, I earn about double what he does. When talking about things, he isn’t very open to the idea of staying home and raising our kids. He believes it’s the man’s role to provide. Is there any biblical basis for the man being the bread winner? -Laura

Segment 3

So, there is a woman in my life who I know has feelings for me. Her faith goes up and down, but she’s kind and considerate. One of the big issues in why I don’t reciprocate feelings is that I’m not physically attracted to her. Am I in sin for not pursuing a relationship with her for solely that reason? -Daniel

As someone who deals with chronic illness, I am on medication to regulate my medical condition and then pain management for when my condition is not under control. Given what the Bible says about sobriety, how do we reconcile pain management with Scripture? -Emily

Segment 4

When it comes to entertainment, how do I navigate what is right or wrong for me and my wife? There are certain shows that we can watch together, but then there are those I believe cause me to stumble. They contain immodesty and things of that nature, that don’t necessarily bother her. Would it be okay for her to watch those shows alone, or does it effect us as a couple since we are one?

I’m not quite sure how I feel about this particular question. Serious question for Todd… Which is worse for you, church signs or dad jokes?

I have been very put off and uncomfortable with the cultural suggestion that men need to be very vulnerable, share their feelings, and talk in a soft peaceful tone. My general disposition is that men ought to focus on their duties and perform without grumbling. Men should lead with strength and courage, and that men can confide in one another without frivolous talk about feelings. Are my inclinations on this matter correct and biblical? -Nate


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