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It’s Mailbag Friday! Our family dog may be passing away very soon. Any advice on how to counsel our young children through this?

Wretched Radio | Air Date: June 30, 2023

It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.

If you have any questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].

Segment 1

Lately I’ve been suffering with false guilt. I know the Bible talks about a weak conscience in which people consider things that aren’t sinful, as sinful. But when I do things (eating, playing a video game, watching a show, etc.) that I know isn’t inherently sinful, as the Lord gives us freedom in Christ, why am I feeling so guilty? What do I do? How can I enjoy my freedom? -Aaron

What are your thoughts on churches requiring anyone who serves (including volunteering for cleaning) to be members? -Benaiah

My wife and I recently learned that we are expecting a baby girl. While there are numerous resources addressing raising boys into men, I find it a bit difficult locating anything substantial for raising girls into biblical women. Do you know of anything or would you have any sage advise to offer? -Jason

Segment 2

We are a family with young children, all under the age of seven. We’re currently facing a challenging situation: our family dog is aging, and his health is noticeably declining. It seems he may pass away soon. This will not only be a significant change for our kids but also their first real exposure to the concept of death. We would greatly appreciate your advice on how we should counsel our children during this difficult time. -Ben

In what ways were people different in the B.C. era? – Michael

I recently came across a perspective by a Christian YouTuber who stated that there are some Christians who are excellent communicators, love Jesus, can present the Gospel flawlessly, but they are not necessarily shepherds. I’m curious about your take on this. -Anonymous

When it comes to communion, can a church put in place its own policies outside of the Bible’s directives for who can take it? For instance, would it be acceptable for a church to limit communion to only its own members or to members of a related church, or must it be open to members of any Bible believing church? Would those kinds of limitations confuse the point of communion? -Kay

Segment 3

A young person I know doesn’t want to get married due to a history of childhood sexual abuse that has led to a strong aversion to intimacy. They’ve expressed a desire to remain single to avoid this type of connection. Could you provide some insight on whether this is a valid reason to remain single and any advice for addressing this complex situation? -Anonymous

Segment 4

Beep Talk

You mentioned the sacraments and that we don’t do those.

Is saying Hallelujah taking the Lord’s name in vain?

Leave Edward G. Robinson alone.


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