Is Donald Trump’s current pro-life position acceptable for the Christian?
Wretched Radio | Air Date: September 19, 2023
Segment 1
The political division amongst Christians seems to be happening too often.
Has a politician become an idol?
If you’re willing to divide with anyone with a different opinion, you may need to examine your heart.
Is Donald Trump’s current pro-life position acceptable for the Christian?
Segment 2
We never compromise our position on abortion ever as Christians.
Trump made his position repeatedly clear by refusing to answer the question.
Segment 3
Did you hear the chat between Mormon Glenn Beck and Roman Catholic Taylor Marshall?
Jesus was very clear He was the Way, the Truth, the Life.
According the Mormon Church Jesus was a created being.
There was a lot of straw manning in this conversation.
Do we divide over theology?
Segment 4
Aren’t denominations meant to keep some blind?
Jesus gave us hints to this when He spoke of wheat and tares.
In Heaven we’re not going to have theological debates.
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