The Senate no longer has a dress code. What is going on?
Wretched Radio | Air Date: September 25, 2023
Segment 1
The Senate no longer has a dress code.
Why is our Senate going lowly?
Segment 2
Can we learn anything positive from philosophy?
Can we learn anything negative from philosophy?
From a Christian perspective “The Age of Reason” was a time of darkness.
What’s a Cambridge Platonist?
Segment 3
September 21 – Joesph Smith was visited by an angel and founded the The Mormon Church.
The Mormon Church has always been considered cultic.
Mormons used marketing to strategically place themselves in a place where they would become more accepted.
The most successful form of improved collaboration was in the political sphere.
Segment 4
So, you’re thinking about leaving your church…
When is it appropriate to leave your local church?
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