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It’s Mailbag Friday! Does the local church have the authority to tell me to marry a specific person?

Wretched Radio | Air Date: September 29, 2023

It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.

If you have any questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].

Segment 1

How do I know if I’m trusting Jesus to save me or just enjoying watching others trusting Jesus for salvation? -Cynthia

Is it sinful to be addicted to something like coffee or water even? I looked up the definition of addiction which is, “the compulsive physiological need for and use of a habit-forming substance” What say you, Mr. Friel? -Anonymous

Segment 2

In your opinion, does the local church have the authority to tell me to marry a specific person? -Diane

My church is solid theologically, but every now and then, our pastor preaches on tithing 10% so God can bless the other 90%. He also says this opens our household to the Lord’s protection over our relationships and possessions. I find this to be prosperity-oriented and wonder if I’m sinning by questioning it. -Anonymous

Segment 3

What are your thoughts on presuppositional apologetics? Some proponents argue it’s the only valid approach because of Romans 1, saying “people already know God exists.” They also point out that the Bible doesn’t rely on evidence for God. On the flip side, it seems the early church didn’t use this method and it only gained traction in the 1800s. So should we use it exclusively, in moderation along with evidentiary apologetics, or avoid it altogether? -Nathan

I recently attended a Christian comedy show where they used a break to promote sponsoring a child in Haiti. While I’m sympathetic to the cause, I felt manipulated by emotional tactics and the use of scripture like ‘the least of these.’ What’s the balance in the desire to serve those in need without feeling like I’m not a Christian if I opt out of a specific program like this? -Kaitlyn


What’s going to prevent us from sinning in heaven? Adam, Eve, and even some angels managed to sin without a sin nature. Is being fully sanctified after death the whole answer, or is there more to it? -Paul

Segment 4


How do I raise a RADS child in the fear and admonition of the Lord?


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