To pull or not to pull that is the question.
Wretched Radio | Air Date: October 07, 2022
It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.
If you have questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].
Segment 1
Why do we gather on Sunday and Wednesday? What is supposed to be happening on those days? -Noah
What role does strategy play in church? Do we need strategy in discipleship? -Noah
Segment 2
I recently discovered holidays like Christmas and Easter are wrong to celebrate and even sinful to do so. Can you expound on this position? -John
I have a friend in my high school class I suspect of cutting himself. How do I offer the hope of Christ without offering him the byproduct of Christ? -Sebastian
I have been praying a lot but don’t seem to be getting any answers to my prayers. What is your advice? -Anonymous
Before I was saved I was an overly sensitive person. Now that I’m saved, I still don’t know the correct response to having my feelings hurt. -Mina
Segment 3
Beep Talk
The Trolley Dilemma answered.
Can we have too high a view of God?
You seem to be harder on guys more than you are the girls at times..
Segment 4
Church Signs
Faith it until you make it.
Go Hogs.
Feeling puzzled? God is the missing piece.
God wants you on His team. Let’s pray.
Jesus is coming back so, you better be ready.
Life is short, eternity is not.
Let us follow God, not Twitter.
Mission: To know Him and make Him known.
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