Some things to think about before you say, “I don’t.”
Wretched Radio | Air Date: October 25, 2022
Segment 1
If you’re a young woman contemplating divorce, heed the advice of Tammy Wynette and don’t go through with that divorce.
Lou Priolo wrote a book, “Before you say I Don’t”
There is misery associated with an unbiblical divorce.
There is always hope.
When a Christian initiates an unbiblical divorce, it’s always because you’ve hardened your heart against God.
Segment 2
Our culture mocks marriage.
If you pursue an unbiblical divorce, you will feel it.
You will multiply your misery. You will not escape misery and will live with guilt over the decision of divorce.
You need to be prepared to suffer for righteousness sake.
Segment 3
What’s a Methodist Church to do when the Wisconsin Packers play during service time?
Church is the assembling of the Saints for the worship of God.
Do you have intercessory prayer?
There is a $100M ad campaign to fix Jesus’ image. It’s called the “He Gets Us” campaign.
Segment 4
Are you familiar with Dennis Prager?
He is a Jewish radio host with deep perspectives on social issues.
He recently authored an article at
Why does the Bible say neither sex should wear the clothing of the other sex?
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