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It’s Mailbag Friday! Jimmy makes himself laugh, and only himself. Literally no one else is laughing, Jimmy.

Wretched Radio | Air Date: December 15, 2023

It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.

If you have any questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].

Segment 1

Where did Jimmy come from?

Dear Todd and Jimmy, THANK YOU for the Christmas gift of the “toffee segment”! HILARIOUS.

Segment 2

Planning to host Christmas for the first time this year, and there will be many unsaved family members. Looking for resources or advice to share the Christmas story and Gospel essentially effectively without coming off as overly preachy. -Josh

As a K-12 music teacher in a public school, struggling with enforcing classroom discipline in a balance of grace and discipline. How can this be done in a Christ Honoring way? -Darian

My wife is struggling with the assurance of her salvation and feels unmotivated to read the Bible. How can I shepherd and minister to her in this situation? -Joey

Segment 3

Can you help me articulate why brutal rapes should be punishable by death? -Codie

Regarding terms and conditions, is it considered lying if I check ‘Yes, I have read and agree to the terms and conditions’ without actually reading them? -Elvis

I am concerned about hearing minced oaths like ‘Gosh’, ‘My goodness’, and ‘Goodness gracious’ from the pulpit. Should I address this with my pastor? -Stephen

Segment 4

In political discussions, should Christians avoid naming specific leaders who are in rebellion against God and instead focus on praying for them? -Tiffany

Do you think it’s possible to find a spouse of a different denominational stripe even if there are some theological disagreements, as long as they are not outside Christian orthodoxy? -David

I have a very heartbreaking family issue. My brother is very, very sick and has been in and out of hospitals his whole life. His mind is impaired and he doesn’t understand a lot that’s going on, he recently told me he no longer wants to be in the hospital, he just wants to be at home and be as comfortable as he can. I’m broken, should I go against his will and send him back to the hospital or allow him to be as comfortable as he can at home until the end? -Chris


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