How are we supposed to disagree biblically, not socially?
Wretched Radio | Air Date: April 25, 2023
Segment 1
Wanna get a black belt in disagreement? How do we disagree biblically, not socially?
Dr. Greg Gifford on biblical manhood from most recent Transformed Podcast.
Segment 2
Bobby Jameson “How to master the art of disagreement in the Church”
Segment 3
This past Saturday was first part in a series on Biblical Manhood from the Transformed Podcast with Dr. Greg Gifford.
God calls men to be strong and courageous.
Segment 4
Wide World of Christian Stuff
British Columbian government is paying for all contraceptives.
The TN House passes bill to go after publishers sending sexually explicit materials to schools.
A UN Report calls for decriminalization of sex between adults and minors.
Washington will allow children to be taken from parents if they refuse transitions.
Mr. Beast recently tweeted full support of transgenderism
Florida bans gender teaching through 12th grade
Scientists figured out evolution by “creating” chicken dinosaur.
From CNN – What should couples do when considering “ethical non monogamy.”
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