Everything has a woldview behind it.
Wretched Radio | Air Date: August 28, 2023
Segment 1
Politics, politics and more politics.
Not very much of that talk has anything to do with our Christian faith.
Last week Ron DeSantis was sworn at a lot for taking a pro-life stance.
What’s the problem with abortion up to birth?
Segment 2
Anthropology & Architecture?
Everything we see has a worldview behind it.
Every era speaks something.
Architecture is not without a worldview.
What is the current expectation for ourselves?
Segment 3
The worldview of atheism – every low anthropology.
The point of contention – what does it mean to be a human being?
There is something in the human heart that always says, “there has to be more”
We can use this in evangelism. What’s the point? Why are we here?
The longing of the human heart is universal.
Segment 4
“There’s a new threat to the churches – Monoenthnic Christian Nationalism”
Theocracy/Theonomy is a popular subject today.
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