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Logical fallacies are alive and well on Capital Hill. Our “elites” aren’t attached to reality.

Wretched Radio | Air Date: July 14, 2022

Segment 1

You Be The Judge: Which clip is reality?

Clip #1 – Spelling Bee from Babylon Bee.

Clip #2 – Senator Hawley recently asked a professor to explain what she meant by a person with the capacity to get pregnant.

Segment 2

This professor is blaming Senator Hawley for people committing suicide for simply asking a question.

We agree that people should be treated kindly (Motte). So, Lia Thomas should be able swim with females. (Bailey)

The logical fallacy is alive and well on Capital Hill. Our “elites” aren’t attached to reality.

Senator Elizabeth Warren declares war on crisis pregnancy centers.

Abortion activists have launched the “summer of rage” attacking crisis pregnancy centers.

Segment 3

The Episcopalian Church have denounced crisis pregnancy centers.

Video of a preacher preaching David that raped Bathsheba. David did not rape Bathsheba. The Bible does not say that.

Most Episcopalian Churches sing hymns with theology they do not believe.

The Presbyterian Church America (not PCUSA) are having battles and have decided to leave the NAE.

Presbyterian Church America says the NAE has frequently intermingled with cultural affairs.

What does Christian cultural engagement look like?

Speaking of Presbyterians, the Presbyterian Church in Ireland has said they will not rewrite the Bible.

Segment 4

The David raped Bathsheba line of thinking makes it appear God is okay with abortion.

PBS Kids is cranking out lesbian wedding content.

Pastors all over the world haven’t had training or even seen a study bible.

A Veteran owned business is paying for adoptions, while pagan owned business are funding abortion.

Adoptions cost much more than abortions.

One church camp is housing children based on gender identity and will not tell parents if a transgender counselor is in your child’s cabin.


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