Okay, but like in an arm wrestling match I really think Steve Lawson would win.
Wretched Radio | Air Date: May 18, 2023
Segment 1
Interview with Dr. Steve Lawson regarding upcoming Expository Preaching Conferences.
Segment 2
Interview with Dr. Steve Lawson regarding upcoming Expository Preaching Conferences.
Segment 3
The SBC is shrinking.
Tom Hammond “when does causal in the church get too casual?”
Segment 4
Nearly 500,000 members and 417 churches have dropped out of the SBC in the last year.
50,000 people professing to be Christian in Nigeria have been massacred in the last 14 years.
More than 150 Catholic priests in Maryland sexually abused over 600 children.
Which denomination tithes the most?
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