Okay, so “I’m a Barbie girl, living in a Barbie world” was supposed to be taken literally.
Wretched Radio | Air Date: August 03, 2023
Segment 1
Barbie’s worldview has been with us for a long time.
Post modernism and the autonomous self.
Pennsylvania is attempting to legalize marijuana.
Segment 2
Are you planning to see the brand new Snow White movie?
We see the deconstruction all around us.
How do we stay entertained as Hollywood strikes?
Church’s aren’t asking enough of people.
Segment 3
Story time. From “The Great Love of God” by Heath Lambert
Segment 4
Jim Davis, author of a new book, looks at why people aren’t going church anymore.
What is your excuse?
The Quakers are standing by trans people in the UK.
By 2044 the LDS could be worth $1 Trillion dollars.
What does your church communicate to the world?
Pope Francis wants to bring back not eating meat.
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