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To make our Baptist friends happy, we decided to alliterate today.

Wretched Radio | Air Date: November 17, 2022
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Segment 1

What’s the word? Capitulation.

The Mormon Church is supporting a law legalizing gay marriage.

Compromise – Capitulation – Courageous

How we will stand when this starts to affect us?

Mormon Churches statement says they will continue to view same-sex marriage as a sin, but would support other’s rights to do so.

How can a church body endorse someone’s sin?

Segment 2

The Mormon Church has failed the job of standing for God’s word.

Dr. Erwin Lutzer saw this coming and wrote two books tackling the subject.

No Reason To Hide and We Will Not Be Silenced.

As we are confronted in a test of faith we have to motivated by something bigger.

The Old Testament is a book of suffering. The New Testament reveals the reason for our suffering.

Having a theology of suffering will help us figure this out.

Segment 3

Can you guess what country is now legalizing same-sex marriage? Buton.

An LGBT revolution is taking place there.

Congress is attempting to codify same-sex marriage.

Are there rules to protect Christians in the legislation? Yes, it’s called the “Respect for Marriage Act.”

Segment 4

Book review: No Reason To Hide by Dr. Erwin Lutzer

How many “churches” have we seen capitulate and compromise?

We must always be gospel-driven.

To stand as a Christian doesn’t mean to be defiant with a weapon in your hand.

We don’t stand for our rights, we stand for Christ.


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