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If you’re happy and a conservative and you know it, clap your hands! It just doesn’t have the same ring to it.

Wretched Radio | Air Date: November 22, 2022

Segment 1

Survey says liberals are less happier than conservatives.

Liberals 15% less likely to be satisfied with their lives and 18% less likely to be satisfied with the state of their mental health.

What job would make you the happiest? It doesn’t matter. It’s nothing. It’s fleeting.

Conservatives are 20% more likely to be married. 33% of married women between 18-35 report being completely satisfied with their lives.

People are stalling getting married these days. The lament of most young singles is they can’t find other Godly singles.

Why are people increasingly using the services of matchmakers?

Segment 2

Christianity is the world’s most persecuted religion.

We missed the Climate Repentance Conference.

1. We are stewards of this world.

2. Creation manifests divinity.

3. Everything in life is interconnected.

4. Do no harm.

9. Every action matters.

10. Use mind, open heart.

Segment 3

Are you an ambulance chaser?

Want to blow the roof off your legal business? Start suing hospitals that mutilate children.

Do you know all the side effects to puberty blockers?

What these “hospitals” and “doctors” are doing to children is criminal.

Segment 4

You are needed in your local church.

These are some ways you can help others.

1. Love One Another

2. Be Devoted

3. Honor One Another

4. Live in Harmony

5. Build Up

6. Be Like Minded

7. Serve One Another

You could become a Biblical Counselor.

Start by considering the various ways others may be suffering.

No two trials are the same, and not two responses the same trial are the same.

Start by asking good questions.

Don’t consider them as a problem to be solved.

Resist the temptation to tell your story or someone else’s.

Help the lament.

Fix their hope on Jesus.

Remind them of John 10.

Remind them God will never leave them or forsake them.

Resist the temptation to blurt out false hope.

Don’t promise them their trial is almost over.


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