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It’s Mailbag Friday! The revival at Asbury has been causing a lot of dissonance, as followers of Christ, are we setting a good example when we flock to things like this?

Wretched Radio | Air Date: February 17, 2023

It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.

If you have questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].

Segment 1

The revival at Asbury has been causing a lot of dissonance, as followers of Christ, are we setting a good example when we flock to things like this? -Sarah

Segment 2

I’m tired of how heartless society has gotten. I just want to throw away all of my belongings and live a quite life alone in the woods. Is this a sinful idea? -Wesley

Our pastor will not perform gay weddings, however, our church elders have hired a practicing homosexual to work the video system for the church. As a member, how should I proceed? -Jay

I wanted your opinion on Christians wearing necklaces that depict Jesus on the cross. -Andrew

I took out a loan before I was saved and have debt to pay off. Should I be giving to church when I have debt to pay off? -Nathan

Segment 3

Beep Talk

Can you explain the biblical basis on the confidence that God sends babies to heaven?

Since we’re born with original sin, why is it wrong to label as an exception clause?

Do you turn yourself in to the police for driving one mile over the speed limit?

What are some effective ways to open-air preach?

Segment 4

Church Signs

UMC Church sign – from one queen to another.

Your salvation was paid for on the cross by Jesus.

Peace begins with a smile.

No spam risk with God. Accept the call.

Looking for Mr. Right? His name is Jesus.


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