How do we prevent division/cancel culture within the church?
Wretched Radio | Air Date: September 06, 2022
Segment 1
How do we prevent division/cancel culture within the church?
Todd’s Recommendations for Biblically dealing with cancel culture:
1. Consider adding an amendment to your church’s bylaws about CRT.
2. Define your terms.
Segment 2
An excerpt from “Biblical Counseling in Practice” by Martha Peace.
Be gentle/quiet in spirit; faith-led not feelings-led.
You can be BOTH aggressively advocating for and adhering to the Truth AND still gentle/meek.
Segment 3
Instead of responding in fleshly anger, be thankful to God for the opportunity to trust Him and His process of sanctification.
Love is patient love is kind. Meekness incorporates love and restraint into situations that induce anger.
Segment 4
There is a distinct difference between speaking strongly and speaking sharply.
God is opposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble.
Romans 12 is key.
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