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No one wants to be a jerk, and no one thinks they are a jerk. But, maybe you are no one’s told you.

Wretched Radio | Air Date: August 16, 2022

Segment 1

You don’t want to be a jerk, but perhaps you are and no one’s told you.

Are you principled or just a contentious jerk?

Are you struggling with the pronoun issue? Proverbs 27:5 may help you.

As Christians, we have to speak truth lovingly and it can be tricky.

Do not let a root of bitterness rob you of joy and happiness.

Segment 2

We want to be a joy filled people.

What’s the difference between joy and happiness?

How do we recognize quarrelsome people?

1. Coin flips don’t stop quarrelers.

2. It is hard to get our of your quarrel prison.

3. Quarrelers keep dripping quarrels.

4. Quarrelers like to be loud.

5. Quarrelers crave a quarrel.

6. Are you a church shopper?

From Tim Challies – Before you pack up and leave?

1. Pray through the directory.

2. Commit to serving.

3. Remember the good, not just the bad.

4. Think it through.

5. Pray out through.

6. Talk it through.

Segment 3

Walker is running for US Senate opposite Raphael Warnock.

The most recent commercial features his ex-wife.

Walker’s explanation for the incident, which he doesn’t deny, is his struggle with mental illness.

Does his explanation carry an expectation of being held accountable?

In Ed Welch’s Bipolar Disorder he explains mental illness cannot be used as an excuse for wickedness.

New York Times – “What Psychologists Want Young People To Know.”

1. Take yourself seriously. Set aside time to be selfish.

2. Be patient. Don’t feel rushed to become an adult.

3. Ask yourself, “what’s missing?”

4. Channel Yoda.

5. Don’t be afraid to make a big change.

Segment 4

Courtesy of Matt Walsh , what is an adult male and adult female?

The world wants kids to remain kids until they’re in their 30s. The Christian goal is the opposite.

When should an individual begin acting like an adult? What does it mean to be an adult Christian male or female?

Masculinity has turned into a bad thing. What makes a male an adult Christian male?

We’re losing 1 million Christian teenagers/year according to new research. 2/3 of younger adults with a commitment to Christ, don’t attend church.


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