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Today in Wretched Radio we discuss the connection between worship and the pulpit. Exalting preaching will produce exalting worship!
Wretched Radio | Air Date: April 05, 2022

Segment 1

Exalting preaching=exalting worship

New worship song: R-OH-OH-OR

Your Love Never Fails. Is this about Jesus or a boyfriend?

The worship of the church will never rise above the preaching.

There is a connection between worship and the pulpit.

Segment 2

Christ in the Old Testament from Free Grace Broadcaster.

Genesis 22 is a picture of Jesus Christ.

Evangelical churches have fallen into a pattern. The Gospel is presented, but as an add-on.

Listen to George Whitfield.

Where is preaching like this today? Where is the preaching that elicits an amazing response about an amazing Savior?

Jesus, not me, needs to be the center of every sermon.

Could this be why we aren’t seeing as many people being saved today? We have to present Jesus, not the benefits of Christianity.

Are you lifting up Jesus, pastor? Do people love Christ more when you’re finished preaching?

Segment 3

We need convicting preaching like George Whitfield’s sermon on The Lord Our Righteousness.

Todd received an email from a university professor about preachers who come to the university and speak down to the children.

Calling people names will never draw them into the kingdom.

Todd is going to LA soon and will do open air preaching with Ray Comfort.

What do say to someone who has been assaulted by an open-air preacher?

More from George Whitfield.

An unapplied Christ is no Christ at all.

Segment 4

Even in our good churches, are we placing focus on more than Christ? Doctrine is good and should be preached, but only through the lens of Christ.

We have preaching about “us” these days.

We should hear about preaching about us, but not about goodness we do not possess. Rather about the total depravity that consumes us.

We do not want to be overly didactic. That doesn’t nothing to keep us close of Christ.

If you’re a preacher, don’t call people out by name. Call them out by demographic.

There can never be a sermon that does not lift Christ..

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