It’s Mailbag Friday! “What do you think is the best way to handle these encounters in the future?”
Wretched Radio | Air Date: March 31, 2023
It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.
If you have questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].
Segment 1
Recently my family and I went to our restaurant and were confronted with our first person who believes they are transgender. Though we’re all introverts all of us, we decided to stay and not make a scene but the meal was extremely uncomfortable. As Christians, what do you think is the best way to handle these encounters in the future? -Tom
Segment 2
I was listening to your show about women pastors/elders and ya know…1 Timothy 3 mentions the husband of one wife…. and I looked and I cannot find anywhere, where a husband was ever a woman. So, doesn’t that mean an elder/pastor would have to be a man? -John in Hawaii
Recently me and one of my “Christian” friends got into a debate regarding the justification of the usage of “mind altering drugs/medication” as a Christian. We talked specifically about the usage of anti depressants and medical marijuana. My side of the debate was that if a drug or medication caused you to lose control over your mind or caused you to sin that it couldn’t be justified for medical reasons. Wondering your thoughts. -Julie
I am 18 years old and would very much like to be married early on in my adulthood. I know that Proverbs says whoever finds a wife finds a good thing, but I fear I have idolized the idea of a wife and family and want these things for selfish reasons. To combat this I decided to dedicate my singleness to God so that my hope and comfort is in Him alone. I’m having a difficult time knowing how to spend my singleness though, could you help me? -Cedric
What exactly is a fundamentalist and why is it often perceived in such a negative light? -Chance
Segment 3
I recently visited Fort Sumter in South Carolina and as the park ranger recounted its civil war significance and history she used the phrase “and then they elected the tall skinny guy.” At first I thought they meant you! But no! They were avoiding using President Lincoln’s Name. I was stunned and saddened. How best can we Christian’s respond to this erasure of history? -Charis
In the same vein that hatred is murder in the heart, and lust is sexual sin in the heart, could covetousness be considered theft in the heart? -Russell
How would you view someone who affirms the deity of Jesus, death and resurrection, Trinity, salvation by faith alone and the rest of essentials but firmly believes that the unredeemed will yes go to hell but will not spend eternity there as they will be ultimately destroyed? -Michelle
Does someone have to tithe to God if they don’t have money they receive from a job? -Sebastian
Segment 4
Beep Talk
Best Verse for Capital Punishment
Is there an actual difference in children’s ministry director and children’s ministry pastor?
Recently come to a fork in the road in ministry.
Should we prosecute those who commit crimes against us?
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