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It’s Mailbag Friday! “Is it appropriate for Christian men and women to use worldly language when referring to their spouse or partner?”

Wretched Radio | Air Date: May 12, 2023

It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.

If you have questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].

Segment 1

Is it appropriate for Christian men and women to use worldly language when referring to their spouse or partner? -Jeff

How does the Holy Spirit testify with our spirit as mentioned in Romans 8:16? What form does this communication take? -Rick

How should believers handle situations where local churches avoid taking biblical stances on sensitive issues like gender identity due to societal pressures? Is it advisable to stay and fight for the truth within the church? -Matt

Segment 2

Is it considered sinful for an adult to order from the kids’ menu at a restaurant like Zaxby’s? -Joshua

Segment 3

I don’t know what the Biblical answer to step family is exactly and I’d like to honor my stepmom as not only my fathers wife but as someone who’s had major spiritual influence in my life by acknowledging her as “mom” but I’m wondering if that isn’t dishonoring to my biological mom since the two of them don’t have the best history. -Anonymous

How were the chapters and verses in the Bible determined historically? Why do these breaks sometimes appear in the middle of a thought or at seemingly odd places? -Greg

Segment 4

I am a newer Christian and have engaged in theological discussions with a coworker. He claims that the doctrine of the Trinity is a pagan belief, citing Acts and the emphasis on baptizing in the name of Jesus. I’m unsure if this belief is widespread or not, but I do wonder if there can still be unity with those who reject the doctrine of the Trinity? -Sabrina

Are family curses – aka sins of the father, real or no? -Anonymous

Is it true that Jesus’ name isn’t actually Jesus and that Yeshua translates as ‘Joshua’? Can you provide clarification on this? -Chris

How should I respond to someone who questions the trustworthiness of the Old Testament while witnessing, even though I have confidence in the reliability of the New Testament? Both are historically accurate, but how do I address this concern effectively? -Sam


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