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It’s so easy to be fearful these days, however “do not be afraid” is the most repeated command from the Bible. So, what do we do when we are frightened?

Wretched Radio | Air Date: July 05, 2022

Segment 1

Time to play “Name That Quote.” Winston Churchill or the Bible?

What are we fearing these days?

“Do not be afraid” is the most repeated command from the Bible.

The pressures of today could spell disasters for our family.

These things were going on in the Bible – especially Nehemiah 6.

Consider today. You get messages today to frighten you.

These messages intend for you to stop your work for Christ.

Segment 2

Have you taken time to do an emotional inventory lately?

There are many things that can frighten you.

God is doing something in western civilization. His greatest end is to bring glory to Jesus.

There’s nothing wrong with knowing there are enemies at the gate. But, are the threatening messages stopping our work for Christ?

What is the MO of the Devil? He’s the father of lies. He wants to distract us from the most important thing.

Are you being controlled by fear?

Segment 3

How much preaching of Alistair Begg have you caught?

He’s inclined to quote hymns. Music sticks and our minds typically remember these things.

You and I have a tendency for comfort to be an idol – and we fear when we’re uncomfortable.

The hymn “I Walk in Danger All the Way” comes to mind.

We do need to be aware of culture, but are we getting fearful?

What do we really have to fear?

Even if God is abandoning a nation – He is not abandoning His church. Not abandoning His children.

Segment 4

If you’ve been sidelined due to fear know you have a Savior that gives you a spirit of power.

Feminism shouldn’t intimidate men from tears. Timothy cried. Godly men can cry.

Fear can cause selfish, weak character. If we are fearful, it doesn’t come from God.

If you’re genuinely working for the Lord, you are doing important work.

How do we plan for the future? Should we plan for the future?


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