It’s Mailbag Friday! I’m going through a period of feeling alienated from God. I want to grow closer and know Him better but I get so distracted. Am I truly saved in the first place? -Sjoerd
Wretched Radio | Air Date: October 21, 2022
It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.
If you have questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].
Segment 1
I’m concerned genuine Christians will be persecuted and canceled for being confused with secularist Christians. How can we steer clear of this? -Joe
I’m going through a period of feeling alienated from God. I want to grow closer and know Him better but I get so distracted. Am I truly saved in the first place? -Sjoerd
Segment 2
Can you explain why you say mortgage isn’t debt? Where does this line of reasoning come from? -Bill
Is there a biblical way of understanding intellectual property? -Lauren
In your recent talk about manhood you mentioned husbands sacrificing. How much should a husband sacrifice? -John
Segment 3
Beep Talk
How do you deal with internal anger? You can externally display forgiveness but internally you’re still seething.
You said Jesus didn’t feel shame. You’re wrong.
I’m seventeen and I feel like I’m not getting anything from my church in order to help me grow.
Segment 4
Church Signs
Todd has a story to tell.
Jesus always keeps his promises.
The armor of God has no pants.
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