Mailbag! How do I forgive my formally alcoholic father?
Wretched Radio | Air Date: August 14, 2023
Mailbag! You have questions. We have answers.
If you have any questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].
Segment 1
I am a 24 year old female, and my dad abused alcohol my entire childhood until I was 17. He was never physically abusive, but it was a fearful time for me and I learned to avoid my dad or treat him indifferently in order to save myself some heartbreak. Even though he it’s been 7 years since he went sober, I still find myself distant from him, and he attempts to do things to be closer to me, but I push him away, because he doesn’t address the great hurt that he’s inflicted on our family. I’m not sure he’s a Christian, but he claims to be. I struggle to respect and honor him. What should I do? -Anonymous
In Galatians they were mixing the law with Grace. Are we doing the same when we mix the gospel with discipleship. Using words like repent, commit, obey. -Elza
Wondering, what is the proper thing for a Christian to do with a Bible that is falling apart or one that you just don’t use anymore for one reason or another? -Shannon
Segment 2
1 Cor. 11:14 states that long hair is a disgrace for a man. So, how long is too long? -Ali
I’ve been wrestling with temptation and finding myself thinking, “God will forgive me, so I’ll just sin now and ask forgiveness later.” I know it’s wrong, and it feels like I’m abusing God’s grace. -Hopeless Wretch
Does counseling equal pastoring? I am more frequently being asked by members of my church to counsel, though I am not a certified counselor. I have considered becoming a biblical counselor, but I do wonder about marriage counseling and if that gets into the gray area of pastoring? -Debbie
Segment 3
Was Jesus only limited to normal human abilities or did his divinity “peek through”? -Darrel
A girl whom I frequently have theological conversations with asked me this question: “What if a man uses makeup. Not because he’s gay, but because it’s a hobby that he keeps to himself.” -Casey
Thoughts on when people say — “it’s not a religion, it’s a relationship” -Nick
Segment 4
Why did God have to provide manna and quails in the Sinai wilderness for Israel when they had cattle, sheep, and goats with them? -Marti
You have previously talked about how believers should be a part of a church close to home instead of driving far distances to attend church. We live in the middle of nowhere with a lot of small churches that are very shallow in teaching and doctrine. What are your thoughts on us traveling 35 miles to be a part of sound Bible teaching church? -Cole
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