The kids these days with their iPads and such.
Wretched Radio | Air Date: May 02, 2023
Segment 1
You Be the Judge. Which story is your favorite.
1. A bridal magazine covers features a bearded male in wedding dress.
2. 10,000 Christians condemn GOP for silencing trans lawmaker.
3. A transgender MN lawmaker introduced bill to remove pedophile language.
4. Once you see the truth about cars, you can’t unsee it.
Segment 2
Video games are all the rage.
97% of boys play video games for at least 2 hours per day. Half of kids admit to missing sleep to play games.
If your internal life is not in check, your external life will soon follow.
In most families parents have a hard time putting down the phone.
Segment 3
The next generation is going to look different from our generation.
If you go about the business of growing into sanctification, you will begin to look more like Christ.
Resume Builder Study finds 75% of managers and business leaders say Gen-Z are more difficult to work with than other generations.
20% stay they’ve had to fire Gen-Z employees within the first week of their start date.
One of the top reasons Gen-Zers are being canned from their jobs, is because they are too easily offended.
Segment 4
Advice for Gen-Z.
How to Make Meaningful Friendships as Adults.
What are you looking for when you’re dating?
Tony Wood – Dating and Non-Christians.
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