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Oooohhhh Why can’t we be friends? Why can’t we be friends? Why can’t we be friendssss?

Wretched Radio | Air Date: September 30, 2022

It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.

If you have questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].

Segment 1

During our church service, a young man is giving his wife a back massage the entire time. It’s very distracting. How should I handle this? -Craig

Segment 2

It’s been argued to me that according to Romans 11:29, a pastor that has abandoned the faith and committed sexual sin can return to the ministry when he is repentant. How do I respond to this use of scripture? -Jason

What would be considered a plurality of elders in terms of number of elders? Is it a percentage of the congregation or something else? -Matt

Segment 3

Beep Talk

If you’re in debt, you should not be giving as much. Can you explain that principle?

How do you respond to the trolley issue as it pertains to Hitler?

Segment 4

Church Signs

Forbidden Fruit make many jam

Adam and Eve the first couple that didn’t read the “apple” fine print.

It’s hot out there. Come in and chill with God.

God’s having a family reunion. Are you coming?

God can’t heal what you don’r reveal.

Daylight savings saves time, Jesus saves lives.

Jump like Jesus.

Let your heart show you the way.

Life is not a remote, get up and change it yourself.

We’re all about that grace, no devil.


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