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Have you heard of the Doctrine of Divine Simplicity from Kevin DeYoung? No? Tune in! Yes? Tune in anyway. Why are you being so difficult??

Wretched Radio | Air Date: September 26, 2022

Segment 1

Today’s word/phrase: mental health.

From The New York Times “The term mental health is a euphemism.”

How successful has our psychologized society been at healing anyone?

Mental health is all about the individual finding a place where they are happy.

The Bible is the book that teaches us that we don’t do everything for ourselves.

How do you properly exercise discernment?

Segment 2

Mental health is political, everything is these days.

That are Christians who dedicate their lives to the political realm.

Trauma is responsible for much of the anxiety people have these days.

You have a choice in how you respond to stress, family members, spouses, etc.

Segment 3

Kevin DeYoung wrote an article:  “Why evangelicals surrender to LGBT is never a surprise.”

1. Silence.

2. Complexification.

3. Usually an explicit pivot to other issues.

4. We see more frustration with those pointing out the sin than those committing the sin.

5. The newfound enlightenment is celebrated.

Segment 4

The Doctrine of Divine Simplicity from Kevin DeYoung.

By simple we don’t mean God is slow. Simplicity means God is not a sum of His attributes.

When we think God is puzzle, we come an incomplete understanding of God.

We have to be careful we are not about one attribute over His others.

God isn’t made up of attributes, He just is.

Hyper focus on one attribute will change your hermeneutics.

What is God’s face?

If you’re in Christ, God isn’t upset with your some days and happy with you others.


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