It’s Mailbag Friday! Is eschatological unity commonly demanded for church leadership roles?
Wretched Radio | Air Date: September 01, 2023
It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.
If you have any questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].
Segment 1
I’ve been married for over a year and life’s been tough, but my marriage is a bright spot. Sometimes, I feel like my husband can do no wrong. I realize that I’ve made him an idol in my heart. How can I love him deeply without letting that love turn into idolatry? -Alexandra
Segment 2
I’ve been a Christian since 2004 and love hearing solid biblical teaching. While I’m passionate about the truth and the Word, I struggle with the singing part of worship. I usually sit it out, fearing I’d be a hypocrite if I joined in. Am I sinning by not wanting to sing during worship? -Bradford
Segment 3
Is it biblically justified for a church to require elders, deacons, and teachers to hold premillennial views, or is this adding to scriptural requirements? Is eschatological unity commonly demanded for church leadership roles? -Derek
Segment 4
I’m a licensed funeral director and recently heard your episode on Alkaline Hydrolysis. I agree it’s not the most respectful method. What’s your take on the growing trend of human composting or ‘recomposition,’ currently legal in states like Washington and California? Is this bordering on sin or is it just another method? -Terry
I’ve realized I struggle with religious scrupulosity. Sometimes I’m so confused about what’s actually a sin that it’s hard to discern what’s godly behavior. How do you address this issue? -Amanda
Our church has a couple who appear to be Universalists, even saying things like ‘everyone is saved, they just don’t know it yet.’ Does this mean our church isn’t taking sin seriously? Should I confront them, and how should I go about it? -Elisabet
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