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It’s a mailbag episode! Today, we are talking about marriage, Christmas, and the government. 
Wretched Radio | Air Date: November 30, 2023

Segment 1

It’s a mailbag episode!

Hey! Are you telling me to lie to the government?

Segment 2

Marriage, Christmas and the government.

Segment 3

What exactly is the unforgivable sin? I’ve heard various interpretations and opinions on it, and I’m getting confused. -Dylan

Recently you mentioned that if someone hurts you, you should always have a posture of forgiveness, but you do not have to throw yourself back into the situation that caused the hurt. I have a parent who keeps disappointing me in our relationship by sharing my private information with others without asking, and so I don’t trust them. But, now I have a baby and I do not want the same thing to happen with him. Do I keep them at arm’s length if they have proven themselves untrustworthy, or do I forgive them and let them right back in good standing with their grandson? -Sarah

Segment 4

How does that honor your parents?

I have a coworker who I consider a friend and who professes to be a Christian. However, we recently had a conversation where he expressed doubts about the inerrancy of Scripture, despite my efforts to share relevant Bible verses. I am genuinely concerned for his soul and unsure how to proceed from here? -Matt

How can I increase my obedience to Christ? I long to obey Him more because I love Him so much, but I find myself neglecting prayer and just speeding through the Word in my devotion time. -Zach


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