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It’s Mailbag Friday! We’ve got some critiques of Todd!

Wretched Radio | Air Date: January 19, 2024

It’s Mailbag Friday! You have questions. We have answers.

If you have any questions, comments, conundrums, snarks, or ideas send them to [email protected].

Segment 1

Critiques of Todd.

Youtube editing; be nice to Joyce Meyer; we can feel the Holy Spirit.

Segment 2

How can I know whether I should witness, or if I might be “casting pearls before swine? -Ethan

Do you have any advice for how to witness to a friend who talks constantly and who typically doesn’t stay on one topic very long? -Talia

My husband and I enjoyed watching movies together, but I’ve been avoiding anything with blasphemy or bad language since late 2020. My husband thinks I shouldn’t be so strict. Am I? -Anonymous

A couple of questions about death and dying. Is it bad to say ‘They are in a better place now’ about someone whose salvation isn’t certain? Also, how many last minute, last week, last month conversions are actually true? -Jared

My son has severe autism and is not very verbal. I worry he can’t understand the Gospel or grasp morality. Is it possible for someone to never reach the ‘age of accountability’? -Brent

Segment 3

I recently had my trust broken, and I’m struggling with forgiving the person. I know I must forgive, but it’s hard. What advice would you give to someone struggling to forgive and is it wrong to limit interactions with this person in the future? -Corey

I am evangelizing to a coworker, she seems to be wanting to learn more and even go to church, however her unbelieving husband has told her that he will divorce her if she converts to Christianity. How should I go about evangelism, and how should she go about growing in Christ without driving the two of them apart? -Anonymous

I have heard the call to ministry, but studying medicine and becoming a doctor has been my long-term goal. How can I be sure that God is calling, and it’s not just me? -Ryan

I’m a High School student surrounded by drama. A guy I once was interested in, says smart biblical things, but also loves to gossip. How should I Biblically confront him and my other classmates? Or should I even try? -Lauren

I am a new mom and need some help. I have struggled to consistently read the Bible, even before having a baby. Now, time and motivation are hard to find. How can I develop a discipline in this area? -Alexandra

Segment 4

My friend, who I don’t see very often, claims to be a Christian, but now seems fine with his sister living in sexual sin. Should I cut ties with him or keep the friendship and hope to correct his thinking? -Sterling

“Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him.” Did Jesus have long hair? It seems that every portrayal of Christ shows him having long hair. If so, how do we relate this to 1 Corinthians 11:14. -Gabe

What is the ‘ratio’ of working on my faith myself and letting God transform me? I don’t want to be legalistic, but I see many problems in myself that I feel I need to address. -Destin

I was wondering if a pastor is always called to be a pastor for life assuming they did not disqualify themselves? For example, if a pastor quits after 20 years and goes into accounting, is he ignoring his calling, was he never called, or did God only call him for a season? -Anonymous


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