How are women being treated globally? Spoiler alert, not good.
Wretched Radio | Air Date: December 07, 2023
Segment 1
How are women being treated globally?
Jesus was radically pro-woman. He wasn’t a feminist, but by first century standards, His teaching was radical.
Why did we see women in the genealogy of Jesus?
Men and women marry for different reasons.
Segment 2
We ought to be celebrating women, but we are not.
What is unbelief?
If you aren’t convinced that CRT is a problem, let’s go to Germany.
Segment 3
Having a hard time making ends meet? Most Americans are.
The latest issue of Christianity Today wasn’t a complete dog’s breakfast.
Segment 4
The kids aren’t getting too much education these days.
The Fall of Minneapolis, a documentary on Netflix, reveals lots of CRT.
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