Prepare for an exam longer than the SATs.
Wretched Radio | Air Date: July 04, 2023
Segment 1
Signs of Your Spiritual Maturity.
In Heaven we will grow more aware of the insidious nature of sin.
We should be forever growing in our understanding of sin.
Where did the days of worshipful Christian music go?
Segment 2
Spiritual Maturity examination list continued.
A list of areas to be aware of in your Christian life.
How did Paul evangelize? He reasoned with people from the Scripture that the Messiah had to suffer.
Segment 3
Spiritual Maturity examination list continued.
Segment 4
Will this Spiritual Maturity examination list ever end?
Do false teachers know they’re false teachers?
Pointing out false teachers by name is a kindness to the false teacher.
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