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It’s Mailbag Friday! “As parents, how much input should we have in their decisions at this stage?”

Wretched Radio | Air Date: May 05, 2023

Segment 1

Recently, I’ve noticed a shift in how some churches, including my own, are choosing to celebrate or mark Mother’s Day. In the past, we would honor mothers with special sermons, flowers and recognition of their crucial roles in family and society. Yet, this seems to be fading, replaced by brief acknowledgements or even silence. I’m left wondering: Are we witnessing a trend away from honoring mothers within the church, and if so, what might this mean for our commitment to uphold God’s blueprint for the family? -Jill

The doctrine of Original Sin suggests that all humans are born in sin. Considering the affirmation of the early church that Jesus was fully man and fully God, wouldn’t Jesus, being fully human, also have Original Sin? -Chris

I received a flyer in the mail asking for help smuggling Bibles into a country where Bibles are illegal. Should Christians purposely break the laws of other countries even if the reason is good? -Adrian

Segment 2

Our daughter is considering marriage and both she and her boyfriend are dedicated to a traditional family lifestyle, with our daughter planning to be a stay-at-home mom and homeschool their future children. We couldn’t be happier with their values and the love they share. However, we have some concerns about their financial readiness for marriage, specifically regarding their credit and school debt. Despite our suggestions to wait and stabilize their financial situation, they are considering getting married soon and renting a home, a decision we believe may cause more harm than good in this economy. As parents, how much input should we have in their decisions at this stage, especially considering they both still live at home? Where do we draw the line between providing guidance and not overstepping our bounds? -Shannon

Segment 3

Parenting adult children.

Segment 4

Parenting adult children continued.

Beep Talk

I want to be saved, I’m in agony.


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