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Parents aren’t allowed to parent their children anymore – Religious freedom is in danger in Ukraine – And, prepare to be blinded by science!
Wretched Radio | Air Date: March 10, 2022

Segment 1

The Heritage Foundation recently held a symposium with 3 mothers speaking in public school indoctrination.

Let’s listen to one of the mothers – January Littlejohn.

Mental health of children faced a rapid decline during covid.

Parents are actually being blamed for not supporting their children’s gender confusing.

“Why are schools so intent on aiding children in keeping secrets from their parents?”

Segment 2

Public schools believe they own your children.

If you ever meet someone Eastern Orthodox share the Gospel. They do not believe in grace alone.

The Eastern Orthodox Patriarch has condemned the Russian invasion.

Russian victory would mark the end of religious freedom in Ukraine.

Worship gatherings and religious materials from any other religion will be a crime.

Wretched Worldview 2 is being prepared.

Segment 3

Todd is preparing Wretched Worldview 2.

Why are we told to tithe 10%?

We don’t give a percentage – we give from the heart.

We can thank Martin Luther for congregational singing.

We should be producing music that is as high and lofty as we can.

Former NIH Director Francis Collins was caught on tape making a case for using aborted baby parts for research.

Segment 4

Francis Collins and Russell Moore held a chat at the University of Chicago last October.

Though Collins calls himself a Christian, he called the bodies of murdered babies “material”

“Pregnancy termination is legal.” This is a scientist making ethical claims.

“An abortion can help someone.” We don’t justify evil just because there could be a good outcome.

How about Russell Moore? Isn’t he very pro-life?

Russell Moore, in regards to Collins, said he doesn’t have to agree with a Christian on every issue.


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